Monday 24 March 2008


"Who owns this landscape? Has owning anything to do with love?"

As part of my final year at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art an Design in Dundee, I have been designing a collection of jewellery for my degree show, based on Scottish poetry.

My main design contrasts the influx of tourists from the bustle of the city to the tranquility of the seaside community. This I have translated into the form of a silver, photoetched chess board, filled with slate and marble resins to depict the dark and the light of the different communities. Each piece creates the same sihouette, with a continuous image flowing across the next and then these pieces each sit neatly interlocked together.

My jewellery designs are all based on this theme, using the same photoetched designs and stylistic shapes from the chess set to create elegant jewellery

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